Formulas and Functions

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Multiple IF and IF (AND) arguments in one formula

edited 05/17/22 in Formulas and Functions

Does anyone see any obvious issues with this string? I'm trying to pull from two columns [VA Feed status], [QA Feed status] and output one status based on the column statuses. This is a combination of IF(AND) and also just IF statements.

I'm currently receiving #UNPARSEABLE

=IF(AND([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending file receipt", [QA Feed Status]@row = "QA: feed aligned to sprint"), "Aligned to Sprint", IF(AND([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending file receipt", [QA Feed Status]@row = "QA: feed in development"), "In Development", IF(AND([VO Feed status]@row = "Pending file receipt", [QA Feed Status]@row = "QA: feed in testing"), "In UAT", IF(AND([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending file receipt", [QA Feed Status]@row = "QA: feed in production"), "In Production", IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Backlog", "Backlog", IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending initial VO (Aon)", "Pending Vendor Outreach", IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending vendor response", "Vendor Outreach Ongoing", IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Intake call scheduled", "Vendor Outreach Ongoing", IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending legal and/or fee execution", "Vendor Outreach Ongoing", IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending file receipt", "Data Receipt & Acceptance", "error"))))))))))))))


Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You have extra closing brackets in your formula. Try the below,

    =IF(AND([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending file receipt", [QA Feed Status]@row = "QA: feed aligned to sprint"), "Aligned to Sprint", 
        IF(AND([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending file receipt", [QA Feed Status]@row = "QA: feed in development"), "In Development", 
            IF(AND([VO Feed status]@row = "Pending file receipt", [QA Feed Status]@row = "QA: feed in testing"), "In UAT", 
                IF(AND([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending file receipt", [QA Feed Status]@row = "QA: feed in production"), "In Production", 
                    IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Backlog", "Backlog", 
                        IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending initial VO (Aon)", "Pending Vendor Outreach", 
                            IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending vendor response", "Vendor Outreach Ongoing", 
                                IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Intake call scheduled", "Vendor Outreach Ongoing", 
                                    IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending legal and/or fee execution", "Vendor Outreach Ongoing", 
                                        IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending file receipt", "Data Receipt & Acceptance", "error")


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You have extra closing brackets in your formula. Try the below,

    =IF(AND([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending file receipt", [QA Feed Status]@row = "QA: feed aligned to sprint"), "Aligned to Sprint", 
        IF(AND([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending file receipt", [QA Feed Status]@row = "QA: feed in development"), "In Development", 
            IF(AND([VO Feed status]@row = "Pending file receipt", [QA Feed Status]@row = "QA: feed in testing"), "In UAT", 
                IF(AND([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending file receipt", [QA Feed Status]@row = "QA: feed in production"), "In Production", 
                    IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Backlog", "Backlog", 
                        IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending initial VO (Aon)", "Pending Vendor Outreach", 
                            IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending vendor response", "Vendor Outreach Ongoing", 
                                IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Intake call scheduled", "Vendor Outreach Ongoing", 
                                    IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending legal and/or fee execution", "Vendor Outreach Ongoing", 
                                        IF([VO Feed status]@row = "VO: Pending file receipt", "Data Receipt & Acceptance", "error")
  • This worked - thank you SO MUCH! Smartsheet automatically populates those close brackets so I didn't think to double check them.

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