countif with dates



  • APerez
    APerez ✭✭
    edited 09/16/22

    I am needing some assistance with my formula for this as well:

    =COUNTIFS({Date Resolved}, [Date for formula]16@cell,= > {Date Resolved}, {Client Impacted}, CONTAINS("All Segment", @cell), {Category}, CONTAINS("Bug", @cell))

    {Date Resolved} is external sheet reference for a date column (no blanks)

    {Client Impacted} is another external reference needed to count issues by client

    {Category} is the type of issue

    [Date for formula]16@cell is a formula in a date column: =TODAY() - 365

    I'm only wanting to capture the total number of issues resolved by client / category if the date resolved is within the last year.

    Formula variations tried:

    =COUNTIFS({Date Resolved}, = >[Date for formula]16@cell, {Client Impacted}, CONTAINS("All Segment", @cell), {Category}, CONTAINS("Bug", @cell))

    =COUNTIFS({Date Resolved}, [Date for formula]16@cell = > {Date Resolved}, {Client Impacted}, CONTAINS("All Segment", @cell), {Category}, CONTAINS("Bug", @cell))

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @APerez Try removing the "@cell" from after [Date for Formula]16

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