Hi @Genevieve P., @Paul Newcome,
Cc: @Art Schneiderheinze, @AJW, @Andrée Starå
Are we any closer to getting a HYPERLINK() function in Smartsheet?
Something with a familiar syntax such as...
= HYPERLINK( Link_URL, [Display_Label] )
I know this has been discussed on many old threads, but I have been able to calculate a formula based on Sheet column data values to calculate a clickable URL – just not a one with a neat Display Label however! I use:
= "https://domain_name.sharepoint.com/library/" + [Folder Name]@row
It will display the full https:... text, but at least it is clickable.
If the URL root is the same for all items in the sheet, then I create a Sheet Summary field called "SharePointURL" (or "FolderURL", or something like that) and change the column formula to be...
= SharePointURL# + [Folder Name]@row