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Formula for Join, Collect, and If Statement - Resources Availability

edited 10/17/22 in Formulas and Functions

I have a sheet that contains my resources' availability for each week and I'd like to pull in a list of those that have availability into another sheet so we know who to assigned to tasks on a project. I figured out the Join(Collect) part of the statement but I need to get the IF statement to work. Please see below for how the sheets are setup:

Resource Availability Sheet:

I have a column with the list of the Resources and what role they have and then I have a column for each Fiscal Year/Week that contains the number of hours they are available.

Availability Sheet:

I have columns pulling in the tasks that are unassigned along with their start/end dates and number of hours per week and the FY Ws for the start/end. I'd like to get a formula to be able to look at the function/role in this sheet and see when the FY W start/end (can be different columns) and see who is available during that week(s) from the Resource Availability Sheet (it'd be perfect if I could have the formula look at the hours a week per task and see if the resource has that many hours or more available in that week).

The current formula I have is =JOIN(COLLECT({Resources}, {Function}, Function@row), ", ") . That works but it's not looking at the FY W in the Resource Availability Sheet - I'm not sure where to put the IF statements.


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    @Paul Newcome I think I got it! =JOIN(COLLECT({Resources}, {Collect Info}, (CONTAINS([FY W Start]@row, @cell)), {Function}, Function@row), ", ") . I'm not sure if there is any major difference to using contains instead of has but I did manage to get it to work with the contains instead.


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