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Smartsheet Contributors score?

Richard Rymill SBP
Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


I am puzzled that for about two weeks in July my Score didnt move despite my efforts to help as many users as possible? yesterday it jumped about 100 to 4080 now it is stuck again? 

Not really important but i'd hate my colleagues to think i'm not pulling my weight? Especially when Craig is way past 18,000.  




  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Richard, They have redesigned how the system scores points. I can't remember the breakdown, but it has something to do with how many posts you make. They redesigned the point system so that people can't rack up points. There is a massive breakpoint from 10 posts to 100 posts. I think once you have posted 100 posts you get 100 points and then it resets to like 5, 10, and 100 again. I suggested they post the scoring, but they have not done so yet. 

  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Richard & Mike,

    While Mike is correct—we did change our scoring system to make it a little more difficult to get points. I'm not sure of the logic myself, but I believe it's 5 actions (likes, comments, posts) gets you 1 point.

    If you're saying that your score jumped from 100 to 4080, first I need to make sure: are you looking at the Last 30 Days or All Time? Right now your score for the Last 30 Days is 112 points, but your All Time score is at 4080 at the time of this post.

    On the subject of Craig, I don't think you need worry about that—his score is even higher than mine. smiley

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/28/17

    Hey, Richard, I am attaching a screenshot of the scoring system as communicated to me in an email from staff at community@smartsheets.com. It was communicated that points are awarded as follows. Supposedly, once you reach 100 posts, the earning cycle starts over.

           1 post: 10 points

           5 posts : 25 points

           10 posts : 50 points

           25 posts : 75 points

           50 posts : 100 points

           100 posts : 200 points


  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Shaine and Mike, 

    More info that I was seeking but interesting none the less. My question was merely that looking at my all time score over the last few months it was Stuck on 3875 for all of June and most of July despite contributions most days. Then last Monday it moved incrementally to 4080 then got stuck gain and remains there now. 

    I don't think the scoring you list explains that does it? 

    But hey ho....  there are more important things in life, like solving client's issues which is often rewarding in a number of ways. 




  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    From my understanding.. you have to post 1 post to get 10 points. 

    Then you have to post 5 additional posts to get 25 points. 

    Then you have to post 10 additional posts to get 50 points. 

    So it's not a count of 1-100.. per say. Its a 1, 6, 16, 41, 91, 191 scoring system. 

    I could post several posts straight for weeks and you don't get rewarded. It takes a while. But I am not sure that I have even seen this scoring in all of the posts that I have made. It would be great to have it publicized for sure from a developer so at least we know what to expect. It feels broken to make so many posts and not see any score change. 

  • Karoly Negyesi
    Karoly Negyesi Employee Admin
    edited 08/07/17

    > It would be great to have it publicized for sure from a developer so at least we know what to expect. 

    Hi! I have coded this part of the new community site and I can confirm the scoring system works the following way: you get 5 points for your 1st, 101th, 201th and so on comment. You get 10 points for your 5th, 105th, 205th and so on comment. The full table, copied straight from the source code looks like this:

    1: 5, 5: 10, 10: 25, 25: 50, 50: 75, 100: 150.

    In your case, you have gotten 75 points on July 31 when you posted your 350th comment (congratulations!) and currently you are at 361 comments and you will get 150 points when you reach 400 comments same as you got 150 points on May 8, June 8 and July 14 for your 100th, 200th, 300th comment respectively. Let me know if you have any more questions.

  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Interesting explanation Karoly and fascinating to know why that methodology was chosen in preference to what was there before? 

    What problem were you solving?

    How did this enhance the community experience?

    Thanks for sticking your head above the parapet! cool



  • Karoly Negyesi
    Karoly Negyesi Employee Admin
    edited 08/08/17

    Alas, I can't help with this one -- the why is a result of a wider consensus and not something I decided :)

    Much more importantly, I am working on a page accessible from your user profile showing points history.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Richard's questions are the most important. To reiterate/rephrase:

    1. What problem was there that needed to be solved?

    2. What is the goal of the point system in the first place, and how did this change get closer to that goal.

    I have worked in product development and all of the people with much more experience there that I have discussed this with have come up blank on 'reverse engineering' a purpose for this. I've also discussed it with my friends in marketing - still blank.

    I've also looked at other forums that have point/badge systems. None I have found do any sort of system like what is in place. 

    Maybe someone can point me to some article or book that uses this new system and gives a reason for it.

    I'm also a student of Game Theory (I have a degree in Applied Mathemetics). No help there coming up with the intent.

    I've held my tongue here as long as I could. I discussed the change with people at Smartsheet when it was implemented, long before this post was written. 

    I don't like it and see no purpose to it.

    The point system is a brief point in my ENGAGE talk in September, but only in the part where I talk about the first few months of my active involvement here. 



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