Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Need help with a formula.

So I am trying to make a formula that encompasses 3 completion statues. So I have 3 fields that will all get marked to 100% and I want a main completion column to up date when the others hit 100%. So when Column A hits 100% then column D will be at 33%, then when column b hits 100% column D will update to 66% and then when column C hits 100% column D will finally update to 100%. But everything I keep trying isn't working. I have tried it with IF/OR, IF/AND, etc. Not sure what I am missing. This is basically what I am trying to do in one formula. IF([Building Completion %]@row = 100, "33%") IF([Building Completion %]@row = 100, AND [Testing Completion %]@row = 100, "66%") IF([Building Completion %]@row = 100, AND [Testing Completion %]@row = 100, AND [Client Testing Completion %]@row = 100, "100%"). Thank in advance for help!


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