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Conditional Formatting Do not modify current value if condition in other field fails

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Without creating another column, I am trying to update a current value only if the condition is met in my modified by field. My formula (below) works when the condition is met. 

How do I tell SS to leave the current value as is if the condition is not met? 

=IF([Modified By]1 = Owner1, " ",  Modified1)

Background:   Above formula is going in my 'Last Updated' (date) column, which controls 'Update Status' column by changing RYGB  symbol according to today's date and 'Last Updated' date.

Multiple people can update the row in the sheet, so I only want RYGB to change when the user making changes matches Owner, Assigned To #1, or Assigned To #2. (Note: I haven't even started to incorporate whether IF Modified by  = Assigned To #1 or #2 or both). Ugh.

If any can point me in the right direction, I would appreciate your help. 




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