Formulas and Functions

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Index Match (?) to two different sheets (unique values)

Hi - I am not sure what is the correct formula to use - I have tried a few and I get errors, so would appreciate some assistance. I have been using Cell Linking to pull in the data, but due to the volume it has become cumbersome and unreliable.

I have a master project plan with unique Site IDs in the primary column, and the site details are split between two client sheets - one for each brand; also using the same unique Site IDs in the primary columns. The client sheets are very large, so when trying to select a range, I receive an error that I have exceeded the range limits if the columns are too far apart.

I need the right formula to look up and return the information from either sheet - like a VLOOKUP but returning the data from one of two places.

Example: Site ID 12345 (primary column) I need the activation date to pull in from either brand A or brand B, however on the brand A sheet the activation date is column 5 and on brand B it is column 15.

What is the best type of formula to use?

Best Answers

  • Overachievers
    Answer ✓

    Thanks for the screen shots!

    I suggest adding two helper columns to your master sheet, one to pull in Brand A date, and one to pull in Brand B date. Formulas are listed below:

    Brand A Activation Date: =IFERROR(INDEX({Brand A - Scheduled Date}, MATCH([Site ID]@row, {Brand A - Site ID}, 0)), "")

    Brand B Activation Date: =IFERROR(INDEX({Brand B - Activation Date}, MATCH([Site ID]@row, {Brand B - Site ID}, 0)), "")

    Scheduled RevIQ Activation Date: =IF([Brand A Activation Date]@row <> "", [Brand A Activation Date]@row, [Brand B Activation Date]@row)

    The Brand A and Brand B columns include cross-sheet references. When you copy the formulas in, you'll need to highlight the sections in { } brackets and click "Edit Reference" to select the columns in your Brand A and Brand B sheets.

    I hope that helps!

  • Overachievers
    Answer ✓

    That is interesting... Is there anything different about how the Site ID for that one with the 2/21/23 date is formatted on either the O source sheet or the master sheet?

    It seems like the formula isn't able to find a match for the other Site IDs on the other sheets.


  • Overachievers

    Hi @SMacey, Index/Match is almost always a better option than VLOOKUP, so you are on the right track.

    If you'd like help with the formula(s), feel free to post screenshots of the 3 sheets and I'd be glad to help.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    Thank so much @Julie Fortney - I have been messing with formulas so much today I have gone cross-eyed! I thought Index/Match was the way to go, but just can't seem to get any formula right after hours of tweaking.

    Here is my sheet, where I am trying to bring in the data - the column I am trying to populate is the Scheduled Activation Date in "salmon". The primary column, "Site ID" is what I am trying to use to match, and it is unique and will be located in one of the two brand sheets below - for this example we can use the first one of 10979:

    Here is a shot of Brand A (where the Site ID is not found - as they are part of Brand B) - note that there are TWO columns between Site & Site Status that are behind the freeze line - I am not sure if there are others that the client may have hidden, if that matters:

    And here is the shot of Brand B where we can see 10979 listed, and therefore I am looking for the formula to pull in the associated date (1/30/23) - again to note there are slightly different columns between Brand B and Brand A:

    Any advice would be much appreciated! Thank you in advance :)

  • Overachievers
    Answer ✓

    Thanks for the screen shots!

    I suggest adding two helper columns to your master sheet, one to pull in Brand A date, and one to pull in Brand B date. Formulas are listed below:

    Brand A Activation Date: =IFERROR(INDEX({Brand A - Scheduled Date}, MATCH([Site ID]@row, {Brand A - Site ID}, 0)), "")

    Brand B Activation Date: =IFERROR(INDEX({Brand B - Activation Date}, MATCH([Site ID]@row, {Brand B - Site ID}, 0)), "")

    Scheduled RevIQ Activation Date: =IF([Brand A Activation Date]@row <> "", [Brand A Activation Date]@row, [Brand B Activation Date]@row)

    The Brand A and Brand B columns include cross-sheet references. When you copy the formulas in, you'll need to highlight the sections in { } brackets and click "Edit Reference" to select the columns in your Brand A and Brand B sheets.

    I hope that helps!

  • ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you so much @Julie Fortney!

    Great idea on the helper columns! However, the formulas are returning blank cells, and every here and there one gives an error saying #INVALID COLUMN VALUE - did I do something wrong?

  • Overachievers

    Are your Go Live columns and the Scheduled Date columns on your A & B sheets all set as date columns?

  • ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Julie Fortney I updated my Go Live columns to dates, so that fixed the invalid column value error, but still most of the cells are returning blanks. The A&B sheets are managed by the client, but I would assume the Scheduled Date columns are set as dates. Again, really appreciate your help!

  • Overachievers
    Answer ✓

    That is interesting... Is there anything different about how the Site ID for that one with the 2/21/23 date is formatted on either the O source sheet or the master sheet?

    It seems like the formula isn't able to find a match for the other Site IDs on the other sheets.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    Ah ha! They were blank because they are indeed...blank. I didn't even consider the most logical reason! It works!

    Thank you SO MUCH @Julie Fortney - you are a lifesaver! And this will save me so much time moving forward as well since I won't have to set up cell linking. I really appreciate your assistance!

  • Overachievers

    I'm glad to help! I learned how to use Index/Match through the Community, so I'm glad to pass it on!

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