Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Formula issue showing 0-5 Stars

Can anyone identify the error in this formula - it should show "Three" stars in the column as it's counting 3 true checkbox cells. However it will only return the "Empty" stars result.

Obviously the number of stars formula result is based on how many boxes are checked.


Best Answer


  • ✭✭✭✭

    =IF(COUNT([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row) > 0, "Empty", IF(COUNT([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row) > 1, "One", IF(COUNT([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row) > 2, "Two", IF(COUNT([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row) > 3, "Three", IF(COUNT([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row) > 4, "Four", IF(COUNT([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row) > 5, "Five"))))))

  • Community Champion

    Hi @PeterR the first error I can notice in your formula is in the first line, the greater than 0 because it will always return "Empty" as everything is greater than 0, instead try using the = instead of greater than only.

    Hope this helps,



    Ipshita Mukherjee

  • Community Champion

    Hi @PeterR

    I hope you're well and safe!

    It should work if you reverse the order.

    Did that work/help?

    I hope that helps!

    Be safe, and have a fantastic week!


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

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    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    =IF(COUNT([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row) = 0, "Empty", IF(COUNT([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row) = 1, "One", IF(COUNT([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row) = 2, "Two", IF(COUNT([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row) = 3, "Three", IF(COUNT([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row) = 4, "Four", IF(COUNT([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row) = 5, "Five"))))))

    I've tried this but it always returns 5 stars, regardless of how many boxes are checked

  • Hi @PeterR

    COUNT will simply count how many cells have a box that can be checked, regardless of if the box is checked or not. That means you'll always have 5, as there are 5 cells containing a box.

    Instead, you'll need to use COUNTIF to see if the boxes = 1, or are checked:

    =IF(COUNTIF([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row, 1) = 0, "Empty", IF(COUNTIF([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row, 1) = 1, "One", IF(COUNTIF([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row, 1) = 2, "Two", IF(COUNTIF([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row, 1) = 3, "Three", IF(COUNTIF([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row, 1) = 4, "Four", IF(COUNTIF([Used More Than 3 Times Satisfactorily?]@row:[Insurance Documents Approved]@row, 1) = 5, "Five"))))))



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  • ✭✭✭✭

    Sussed, thank you

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