Formulas and Functions

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Hiding #INVALID DATA TYPE with formulas using NETWORKDAYS

Hello, I'd love some feedback and advice on how to get this to work.

I have Start Date, Due Date, Duration and Due in Days columns.

For my Due in Days column I am using this formula:

=NETWORKDAYS(TODAY(), [Actual Due Date]@row)

For my Duration column I am using this formula:

=NETWORKDAYS([Actual Start Date]@row, [Actual Due Date]@row)

My question: How do I hide the error message "#INVALID DATA TYPE" when using the above formulas? Sometimes I have blank cells in the Start Date and Due Date columns so I need to hide the error message.

I'm very new to Smartsheet so if you could provide a full breakdown or formula to plug in using my above formulas I would highly appreciate it.

Thank you!


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