Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

Ask questions about the core Smartsheet application: Sheets, Forms, Reports, Dashboards, and more.

Hello is there a way to restore a deleted form by accident?

Hello I deleted a form by accident, I know we can revert sheets and other items but there is nothing for forms.

Does somebody know if there is a way to recover deleted forms today?



  • Community Champion

    Hi @BorisM

    I'm not aware of way to do it yourself. If the form existed on the sheet before today, I would submit a support ticket with the sheet ID and the date range you are trying to pull from. Smartsheet might be able to resurrect a previous version.

    I hope that helps.


    Matt Johnson

    Sevan Technology

    Smartsheet Aligned Partner

  • ✭✭

    I hope it will work, I opened a ticket with the form link and the sheet ID it was linked to, I now wait for an answer fingers crossed.

    I was hoping they probably can look into preprod or dev environnements or backups as we usually have for such environements.

    Kind regards.

  • ✭✭

    Hello Smartsheet Support told me there is no way to do it. Instead, I'm asked to submit an enhancement request.

    I spent approx. 100 hours making some specific changes on the form and by a simple click it vanished...A pity for a SAAS especailly when you know the prinicipe of how things work I can't believe it can be recovered from a snapshotin dev or preprod environnement.

    I'm quite dissapointed by level one support, my company is weighting nearly half of milion people, it could be worth taking some more time to find a solution or escalate to more technical support.

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