Formulas and Functions

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Countifs with date criteria and also parsing drop down

Hi all,

Been struggling on a formula for too long. Need some assistance from some of the great minds.

I have taking information from a sheet and trying to count the amount of times a condition is met within a specific time frame.

Here is my current formula:

=COUNTIFS({IC Issue Tracker Range 7}, @cell >= DATE(2023, 2, 20), {IC Issue Tracker Range 7}, @cell <= DATE(2023, 2, 26), {IC Issue Tracker Range 2}, HAS({IC Issue Tracker Range 2}, "Customer Care Approval"))

Range 7: Has the date stamps

Range 2: Has the criteria I am trying to count although I need to specify that it is a dropdown so 1 cell can have multiple selections.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Ben77 You were really close to getting it 🙂

    =COUNTIFS({IC Issue Tracker Range 7}, >= DATE(2023, 2, 20), {IC Issue Tracker Range 7}, <= DATE(2023, 2, 26), {IC Issue Tracker Range 2}, HAS(@cell, "Customer Care Approval"))

    Let me know if that doesn't work as intended.


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