How can I incorporate Latitude and Longitude of a location into Smartsheet?

ECorona ✭✭
edited 09/07/23 in Smartsheet Basics

I am tracking projects and locations in Smartsheet, and have had a request to include the latitude and longitude of each location into one of my reports. I have a column where we add the google map link, but this only takes you to the google map. Is there a way to extrapolate the Lat/Long for each site into columns?


  • Gia Thinh
    Gia Thinh ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Ecorona,

    You should create a form for location input. Users can use "Select location" feature in their Smartsheet mobile app to auto-populate their Lat/Long. Later, in your sheet, the Location columns will contain the Lat/Long with hyperlink to google map. Hope it helps.

    Gia Thinh Technology - Smartsheet Solution Partner.

  • RC_SG
    RC_SG ✭✭
    edited 01/05/24

    I would like to clarify that this is not what @ECorona was asking.

    He has no use case for users to submit their location, it sounds like he has locations already populated in his smartsheet that he wants to get the longitude/latitude of.

    I want to do the same thing, as weather integration with Bridges requires Long/Lat coordinates to get weather data. It looks like this might be something I try to get working with Smartsheet Bridges.

    Bonus, and slightly unrelated to the topic at hand but potentially useful for @ECorona, I have created this formula to create google maps links from addresses in our smartsheet. Just make a column for "Maps Link", make this a column formula, and then make sure you associate it with the column that contains addresses. It'll make a google maps link for each one. It actually creates a maps query, so you can put anything in the location address as if you're searching for it on google maps.


    ", " "), " ", "+"), ",", ""), "&", "%26"), ":", ""), ".", "")

    Keep in mind, there's a "line break" character in there so that's why this formula looks like it's on two seperate lines, that is intentional to flatten out multi-line addresses.

  • dmui88
    dmui88 ✭✭✭

    @RC_SG I'm trying your formula, referring to a cell that has an address formatted as Address, City, ST ZIP. Giving me an Invalid Operation error. Have you had that issue?