Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Column has a formula, need answer as a multiplier

edited 09/22/23 in Formulas and Functions

C Value column is a formula

=IF(ISBLANK([Solution #31 Correction Factor]@row), "", IF([Solution #31 Correction Factor]@row = 9.5, "1.05", IF([Solution #31 Correction Factor]@row = 10, "1", IF([Solution #31 Correction Factor]@row = 10.5, "0.95", IF([Solution #31 Correction Factor]@row = 11, "0.91", IF([Solution #31 Correction Factor]@row = 11.5, "0.87", IF([Solution #31 Correction Factor]@row = 12, "0.83", "Replace Solution")))))))

I need the response, in this case .83, to be multiplied against the Concentration result.

So I need = [Stage 11 62 Concentration]@row * ["C" Value]@row which gives an Invalid Operation.

Help? I am sure there is an easy answer.




  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Elizabeth Aird,

    You can try the below formula in "C" Value column where I have made some syntax changes.

    =IF(ISBLANK([Solution #31 Correction Factor]@row), " ", IF([Solution #31 Correction Factor]@row = 9.5, 1.05, IF([Solution #31 Correction Factor]@row = 10, 1, IF([Solution #31 Correction Factor]@row = 10.5, 0.95, IF([Solution #31 Correction Factor]@row = 11, 0.91, IF([Solution #31 Correction Factor]@row = 11.5, 0.87, IF([Solution #31 Correction Factor]@row = 12, 0.83, "Replace Solution")))))))

    Thank You!

    Anjanesh Vaidya


    Anjanesh Vaidya

    Smartsheet Development, Ignatiuz Software

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  • ✭✭✭✭

    That worked.. thank you!!

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