Resource Management

Resource Management

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Track time in Resource Management by task, not by project overall

edited 07/05/23 in Resource Management

Is this possible? Am I missing something obvious? It seems in Resource Management we can only track time to the project and not to individual tasks within the project.

I'm trying to solve an issue for a team within our org and they actually came to us after finding a preview of the Time & Expenses feature in RM, which fulfills the timesheet-like solution they're looking for. This team completes audits of our offices and wants to track individual resources' time per office location. So we have one project sheet per resource, with a list of each of their audits for the year as tasks (plus the start/end dates and allocation we need to connect it to Resource Management).

Once connected, when each resource goes to Time & Expenses in RM, they can only confirm or enter their time for the entire project overall. We've tried both the hours and minutes and the itemized settings in our RM account. It seems the only way someone could track their hours per audit/office location in a week is to add in notes, or to add categories to our account for every audit/task (nope). But those notes won't produce audit (task-specific) reports, correct?

This team does not want to add every single audit as a new separate sheet - that's time consuming and not necessary, since they don't track any progress in Smartsheet. These resources want to complete a simple time sheet-looking feature where they enter hours for each audit (each task).


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