Published Report will not Default to Gantt View

SJ Sellers
SJ Sellers ✭✭✭✭
edited 11/05/20 in Smartsheet Basics

I built a report that includes the following columns:

  • Task
  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • % Complete

That's it. Pretty Simple. I have the report saved as a Gantt View report. That is working fine. Anyone who accesses the report sees the Gantt view.

I would like to use this Gantt report in a WorkApp. When I add the report to the WorkApp, it only shows in GRID view.

OK WorkApps are new so maybe this isn't working yet so I will try a WORKAROUND. I will PUBLISH the Gantt View Report and add the URL to the WorkApp. The PUBLISH feature always defaults to GRID view no matter what options I select.

I also tried to add the LINK to the SmartSheet report to WorkApps (just the URL in the browser when I view the report) and that is prohibited.

The only thing I have been able to do is add the report to a dashboard, then add the Dashboard to the WorkApp which is multiple layers of maintenance that will not scale.

Any ideas for how to solve this?


Best Answers


  • SJ Sellers
    SJ Sellers ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Genevieve P -

    I am having the same problem with CALENDAR view. (when adding a report set to display as CALENDAR, only the grid view shows in WorkApps) Can you comment the ability to add a report in CALENDAR view will be part of the eventual release?

    Thank you for your response.


  • SJ Sellers
    SJ Sellers ✭✭✭✭

    Thank you @Genevieve P !!! I can't wait to get my hands on reports in this format!!

  • Hi @Genevieve P ,

    Is WorkApps still in Preview?

    I started using it recently, there is no mention about a preview phase, and Gantt chart do not appear.

    Thanks for your help,


  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    edited 10/04/23

    Hi @Charles de la Sablonnière

    Thanks for following up on this! Currently Workapps still only supports Grid View from a report (see the bottom of this Help Center article). You may want to subscribe to the Release Notes page (here) so that you get a notification when we have new releases.



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  • zsiegel
    zsiegel ✭✭✭

    I have this same issue. To be clear, @SJ Sellers described two separate issues, and we are experiencing both of them:

    • WorkApps cannot display Reports as gantt view. In November 2020, @Genevieve P. said "Yes! This is also a feature that will be available once WorkApps is out of Preview. Currently Grid View is the only supported view in WorkApps for Reports." I believe WorkApps is out of Preview, so @Genevieve P. I suggest you revisit this topic or edit your previous post.
    • "Published" reports that set "Default View" to "gantt" always open as a grid. This is a clear big time bug. The "Grid View"/"Gantt View" dropdown can be used for published reports, so gantt view is technically usable in these cases (which allows gantt view in a WorkApp), but the "default" gantt view publishing setting is not being respected.

    @Genevieve P. you never really commented on that second point, which @SJ Sellers described very clearly. Please comment on that issue. I am sure it is a bug and I believe we deserve a roadmap to its resolution.

  • Hi @zsiegel

    Thanks for the tag - I've updated the older responses above to be more clear. The Product team is continuing to review ways to improve the Workapp experience and different views for Reports is on their list, however I don't know of a current timeframe for when these features will be available.

    Please feel free to submit both of your feature requests directly to the Product team by creating an Idea Post in the Smartsheet Product Feedback and Ideas topic here in the Community.

    In regards to the Published Report not following the default view selected, the selections are "Card", "Calendar", and "Grid (Gantt)" as one option. This means that if the Report in the App is set to Grid (without Gantt) then the Published link will open only in Grid. If the actual Report is Gantt, then the Published link opens in Gantt. Does that make sense?



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  • zsiegel
    zsiegel ✭✭✭

    Hey @Genevieve P. , thanks for this response.

    To your point that "the selections are "Card", "Calendar", and "Grid (Gantt)" as one option. This means that if the Report in the App is set to Grid (without Gantt) then the Published link will open only in Grid." -

    I did notice that the published view is called "Grid (Gantt)", which I assumed would work as you described: display as gantt if the report is set to gantt. However, that is not my experience! The published report always displays as a grid, even though the underlying report is set to gantt (when I open it, as the report owner/creator/admin, it is a gantt).

    Am I missing something or is this indeed a bug?

    I would be happy to share some sort of screen recording of the behavior if the product team cannot reproduce this behavior or if my description is unclear. Just tell me how to send it if that would be useful.

    Thank you.

  • zsiegel
    zsiegel ✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P. I believe this issue is exactly what is happening in the following other two Smartsheet Community issues:

    In the first case, you (@Genevieve P.) gave a very similar response to the one you gave here. I believe the communication around this issue has failed to get across that the "Grid (Gantt)" view does not display gantt views, even when the underlying report is set to gantt, in some or all cases.

  • zsiegel
    zsiegel ✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P. for what it's worth, I have tested this feature with other sheets and reports and here is what I've found:

    • For sheets: if the underlying sheet is in "gantt" mode, the "published" page always correctly displays as gantt.
    • For reports: if the underlying report is in "gantt" mode, the "published" page always incorrectly displays as grid.
  • Hey @zsiegel

    Thank you for clarifying and documenting your experience! I'm unable to replicate this as my published Reports that are displaying Gantt in the app show Gantt in the published view as well.

    Can you test my link to see if you're only viewing Grid? (This is from a Project Plan template adjusted with test data)

    Sending a screen recording, Report URLs, an explanation of exactly how your Report is built (all the settings in the build menu at the top), and a link to the published URL would be incredibly helpful for the Support team. They will likely also need to know your browser version and type, as well as what type of device you're using.

    Please submit a ticket by signing in to the Support Portal (surfaced on the Get Help page here in the Community).

    Thank you,


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  • zsiegel
    zsiegel ✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P. The report you shared does indeed display as gantt. I will submit a support ticket.

  • zsiegel
    zsiegel ✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P. Submitted case # 06534651 with screenshots, link, and description