Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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I am trying specify counting only rows that contain "UO" within the Department column, are less than one year and the withdraw/rescind column is blank. I am able to achieve the counting of withdraw/rescind less than one year with the below formula, but when I add contain I continue to get the response #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET. What am I missing in the CONTAINS formula that is not generating the correct data?

=COUNTIFS([Entry Date]:[Entry Date], >TODAY(-365), [Withdrew/Rescind Reason]:[Withdrew/Rescind Reason], "", CONTAINS("UO", Department:Department))



Best Answers

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓
    =COUNTIFS([Entry Date]:[Entry Date], >TODAY(-365), 
    [Withdrew/Rescind Reason]:[Withdrew/Rescind Reason], "", 
    Department:Department, CONTAINS("UO", @cell))

    Jacob Stey

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Try this:

    =COUNTIFS([Entry Date]:[Entry Date], >TODAY(-365), [Withdrew/Rescind Reason]:[Withdrew/Rescind Reason], "", Department:Department, CONTAINS("UO", @cell))


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