Formula to COUNTIFS criteria in one range matches but does not match in 2 other ranges



I am trying to write a formula which will count the number of cells in a range that return "No Match", but only if the cells in 2 other ranges DO NOT contain "No Match". In this case, I want to count the number of assets unmatched ONLY by S/N, excluding them if they contain "No Match" in 2 other ranges. I have tried using variations of the following without success:

=AND(COUNTIF({2023 Assets - True Up for 2024 MATCH SN}, "No Match"), NOT({2023 Assets - MATCH REV_ID} = "No Match"), NOT({2023 Assets - MATCH Maximo} = "No Match"))


=COUNTIFS({2023 Assets - True Up for 2024 MATCH SN}, "No Match"), AND(NOT({2023 Assets - MATCH REV_ID} = "No Match"), NOT({2023 Assets - MATCH Maximo} = "No Match")))

It givers me an error, as have all other formulas I have tried. Is anyone able to help?

Constance Fetter (she/her/elle)

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