Good morning everyone,
I think it is really important to be able to add some constraints to the Project Plan.
At the moment, it is not possible. I have a column "Constraint Type" with the different constraints:
- As Soon As Possible.
- As Late As Possible.
- Finish No Earlier Than.
- Finish No Later Than.
- Must Start On.
- Must Finish On.
- Start No Earlier Than.
- Start No Later Than.
The problem is that I can not join this constraint with the "Start Date" and "Finish Date".
In other platforms, this is a basic feature and of course it is very useful.
I have a *Task 2* with a predecessor *Task 1*.
- Task 2 can not start until Task 1 is finished.
- Task 2 can not start earlier than 15/01/2024 (Not resources available until this date)
I dont have the option to join the "Start Date" not only with the predecessor, but also with the constraint.
I repeat, is something very necessary to manage projects in a good way.
Adding a lag is not a good solution because:
- I place predecessor *Task 1* + 5 days, so I have 15/01/2024
- But then, *Task 1* is delayed 2 days, and I will have 17/01/2024, but still possible to start 15/01/2024
Kind regards!