Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Multiple IF Statement giving an #UNPARSEABLE error.

=IF([QTY 1]@row = "", "0"), IF([QTY 1]@row = "1", "1246"), IF([QTY 1]@row = "2", "2492")

This formula is currently returning as #UNPARSEABLE

I have a helper column that is my "QTY 1" column, as this increases I would like the "Price per" column to double in price.

Prices stay pretty static and change very rarely.

I feel like I might be missing something small in this instance, or perhaps tackling this from the wrong angle.

Thank you for any help you can provide Smartsheet Community!


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  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Matthew R I changed it to read as blank and moved the parenthesis; see if this one works =IF(ISBLANK([QTY 1]@row), "0", IF([QTY 1]@row = "1", "1246", IF([QTY 1]@row = "2", "2492")))

  • ✭✭✭✭

    WORKED PERFECTLY! Can not thank you enough.

    I see the switching of the parenthesis in the first @row and the addition of the (ISBLANK is something I did not even think about.

    Thank you for the education!!

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