Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Are automations shared with other users when the sheet is shared?


I have set up a Goods In mastersheet which I will be the owner of. Within this I have set up 13/14 automations to notify different users when they receive a parcel. I have then shared this sheet with the Goods In Manager who will be inputting the data onto the sheet, will these automations also be shared with him or do I have to set these up again on his profile?

Many Thanks!


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    @Trafford Brown if automations are based on contact columns and their names are added in these columns for the particular row/project, you don't have to do anything. But if your automations are sent to specific people then you would need to add them for each notification.

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    The automations should still be in place for anyone with whom you have shared the sheet. Now if you save as new and share all automations will broken. ☺️

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