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If / Or Statement not working

I have a what I thought was a simple If / Or statement for calculating NETWORKDAYS in Ticketing sheet. Short explanation, when a ticket is opened it is assigned a SLA based on Priority (Critical=1, High=2, Medium=3, Low=4). While the ticket is open the Actual SLA is tracked by NETWORKDAYS. When the closed is closed the tracking is Actual stops and the calculation changes.

Open = Created Date-Today

Closed = Resolved Date-Created Date

Here is the calculation I am using, I cannot seem to find the error. Each separate piece works, but when I combine them I get an "Incorrect Argument Error".

=IF(OR([Tracking Status]@row = "Open", NETWORKDAYS([Created Date]@row - TODAY(), IF([Tracking Status]@row = "Closed", NETWORKDAYS([Resolved Date]@row - [Created Date]@row)))))

Thanks for any help


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  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @LDLValentine,

    To add to @Amanda Carta's excellent reply and simplified formula, I understand your comment about the 'Closed are left blank' and would offer an edit to the formula (assuming the Status can only be "Open" or "Closed"):

    =IF(Status@row = "Open", NETWORKDAYS([Create Date]@row, TODAY()), NETWORKDAYS([Create Date]@row, [Resolved Date]@row))

    If there are other options to the Status being Opened or Closed, then the following should also work (recognising Amanda's formula but swapping the 'dates' to produce a positive number of days)

    =IF(Status@row = "Open", NETWORKDAYS([Create Date]@row, TODAY()), IF(Status@row = "Closed", NETWORKDAYS([Create Date]@row, [Resolved Date]@row), ""))

    Hope this helps and that you have a great day,

    Jason Albrecht MBA, MBus(AppFin), DipFinMgt

    LinkedIn profile - Open to work


  • ✭✭✭✭

    You don't need the "OR" statement and instead of "-" use ",".

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for that, the calculation change now works for all the open! Perfect. The issue still remains of how to 'stop the clock' on those that are closed. I need to be able to effectively track how long it took the help desk to complete a ticket. So from the time a ticket was opened to the time it was closed is a critical factor. With this fix, the Closed are left blank rather than calculating the time between Creation and Resolution Dates.

    I do appreciate your assistance. I don't know what I was thinking last night.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @LDLValentine,

    To add to @Amanda Carta's excellent reply and simplified formula, I understand your comment about the 'Closed are left blank' and would offer an edit to the formula (assuming the Status can only be "Open" or "Closed"):

    =IF(Status@row = "Open", NETWORKDAYS([Create Date]@row, TODAY()), NETWORKDAYS([Create Date]@row, [Resolved Date]@row))

    If there are other options to the Status being Opened or Closed, then the following should also work (recognising Amanda's formula but swapping the 'dates' to produce a positive number of days)

    =IF(Status@row = "Open", NETWORKDAYS([Create Date]@row, TODAY()), IF(Status@row = "Closed", NETWORKDAYS([Create Date]@row, [Resolved Date]@row), ""))

    Hope this helps and that you have a great day,

    Jason Albrecht MBA, MBus(AppFin), DipFinMgt

    LinkedIn profile - Open to work

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks Jason! That first one was it exactly.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Awesome! Glad it worked 😃

    Hope this helps and that you have a great day,

    Jason Albrecht MBA, MBus(AppFin), DipFinMgt

    LinkedIn profile - Open to work

  • ✭✭✭✭

    I ALWAYS get my date formulas backwards... for some reason it NEVER sticks with me which way to go so I end up testing both ways lol :)

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Amanda, this entire sheet has sent me through the ceiling and the basement. I do so very much appreciate you and so many others who have jumped in with thoughts, and solutions.

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