Creating Multiple If Statements

These formulas are hurting my head and I can't figure out why I keep getting errors on my stoplight formula - My column is set to symbols and I've selected red, yellow, green, blue

This is what I'm trying to do:

If % Complete = 100%, Blue

If % Complete < 100% AND the due date is more than 10 days away, Green

If % Complete < 100% AND the due date is in the next 5 days, yellow

If % Complete < 100 AND due date is less than today's date, Red

If % Complete = 0 , Black

Can someone help me create this formula.

Best Answer

  • Gillian C
    Gillian C Overachievers
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Malinda

    Try this, where [Complete] is your % Complete column and [Due Date] is your date column.

    =IF(Complete@row = 100, "Blue", IF(AND([Due Date]@row > TODAY() + 10, Complete@row < 100, Complete@row > 0), "Green", IF(AND([Due Date]@row < TODAY() + 5, [Due Date]@row > TODAY(), Complete@row < 100, Complete@row > 0), "Yellow", IF(AND([Due Date]@row < TODAY(), Complete@row < 100, Complete@row > 0), "Red", "Not started"))))

    I've left your requirement for Black to read Not Started as I believe there are only 4 coloured symbols, so the ) complete will always be whatever text you add here.

    Hope that helps


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