Formulas and Functions

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New to SS and have been going through all the previous discussion here and haven't been able to figure this out, hoping someone can help.

I have an inspection form with multiple columns that I want to summarize in one column. If its "Fail" I want it to return "Fail" if not, "Pass". I've got that part working, but the issue is if the cell is blank it still returns pass. I want it to be "N/A" if blank (Row 1 vs row 2-5). I'm thinking this is some kind of nested IF formula?

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Ok, try again… =IF(OR([Boom
    Lift_Hoses, Belts, Tires]@row = "Fail", [Boom, Lift_fluid Leaks]@row =
    "Fail", [Boom Lift_Manuals, Labels, Platform Condition]@row = "Fail", "FAIL", IF(OR([Boom Lift_Hoses, Belts, Tires]@row = "", [Boom, Lift_fluid
    Leaks]@row = "", [Boom Lift_Manuals, Labels, Platform Condition]@row =
    "", [Boom Lift_Appearance - General]@row = ""), "N/A", "Pass"))


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