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COUNTIF Date Range with criteria

I am trying to count when Brian shows up in column "Auditor Name" but only for a specific week, dating 6/3 - 6/7.

=COUNTIFS({Audit Date}, >=DATE(2024, 6, 3), DATE(2024, 6, 7), AND({Auditor Name}, "Brian Lucas")))

Where is this going wrong?


Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    too many brackets after the AND function. Try this:

    =COUNTIFS({Audit Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2024, 6, 3), @cell <= DATE(2024, 6, 7)), {Auditor Name}, "Brian Lucas")


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Looks like your AND() function may be misplaced. In fact, in this case, it's not needed since the criterion listed in a COUNTIFS formula defaults to "AND", requiring all criterion to be met to count unless otherwise specified.

    Try this:

    COUNTIFS({Audit Date}. >=DATE(2024, 6, 3), DATE(2024, 6, 7), {Auditor Name}, "Brian Lucas")

  • Community Champion

    Hi @Joey135

    Try this;

    =COUNTIFS({Auditor Name}, CONTAINS("Brian", @cell), {Audit Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2024, 6, 3), @cell <= DATE(2024, 6, 7)))

    If you want to check "Brian Lucas", the formula would be;

    =COUNTIFS({Auditor Name}, "Brian Lucas", {Audit Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2024, 6, 3), @cell <= DATE(2024, 6, 7)))

    My demo solution uses a Sheet Summary field, but the structure of the COUNTIFS formula is the same;

    =COUNTIFS([Auditor Name]:[Auditor Name], CONTAINS("Brian", @cell), [Audit Date]:[Audit Date], AND(@cell >= DATE(2024, 6, 3), @cell <= DATE(2024, 6, 7)))

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  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Yep, I totally missed the formatting of the date part of the formula (responded way too quick apparently). @jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp has got is spot on…

  • Community Champion

    Hi @Joey135,

    This should do what you're after:

    =COUNTIFS({Audit Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2024, 6, 3), @cell <= (DATE(2024, 6, 7))), {Auditor}, "Brian Lucas")


    Your formula would require a couple of changes (bolded):

    =COUNTIFS({Audit Date}, >=DATE(2024, 6, 3), {Audit Date}, <=DATE(2024, 6, 7), {Auditor}, "Brian Lucas")

    It was missing a range and the equal to/less than portion.

    Hope this helps, but if you've any problems/questions just post!

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Yep, totally missed that the first go round. Thanks

  • ✭✭✭✭

    @Nick Korna I feel like this one should work - =COUNTIFS({Audit Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2024, 6, 3), @cell <= DATE(2024, 6, 7))), {Auditor Name}, "Brian Lucas")

    but I am getting UNPARSEABLE

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    too many brackets after the AND function. Try this:

    =COUNTIFS({Audit Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2024, 6, 3), @cell <= DATE(2024, 6, 7)), {Auditor Name}, "Brian Lucas")

  • Community Champion

    It needs either the extra bracket on the second DATE (bolded):

    =COUNTIFS({Audit Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2024, 6, 3), @cell <= (DATE(2024, 6, 7))), {Auditor}, "Brian Lucas")

    or one less on the end of the AND:

    =COUNTIFS({Audit Date}, AND(@cell >= DATE(2024, 6, 3), @cell <= DATE(2024, 6, 7)), {Auditor}, "Brian Lucas")

    Whichever you prefer!

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