JOIN(COLLECT to locate blank cells

Hello and thank you in advance to anyone who responds with suggestions.

GOAL: I have Shipping Tracker sheet (Sh Tkr) and a New Hire Tracker(NHT) sheet and am trying to Join(Collect all shipments ID #s (Sh Tkr - ST ID#) that have not been received into the New Hire Tracker sheet (Open Shipper #'s col). Currently, in the Sh Tkr sheet we manually enter the received date. if not date is entered, it means we have not recieved the shipment.

Working Join(Collect Formula in NHT sheet that lists all shipping #s.

=JOIN(COLLECT({Sh Tkr - ST ID#}, {Sh Tkr - NHT ID#}, [NHT ID]@row), ", ")

Working Join(Collect Formula in NHT sheet that lists Received Dates of Received Shipments (Blanks appear where there is no recieved entry.) Currenty, I receive dates for the received shipment and thought I could modify it to return the dates awaiting shipments.

=JOIN(COLLECT({ST - Recvd Date}, {Sh Tkr - NHT ID#}, [NHT ID]@row), ", ")

I can't seem to get the right combination of arguments to get it to list all ST IT#s that have a blank entry in the Recvd Date col, and have also tried including: ISBLANK, and " ", but no luck.

Hope this makes sense.

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