Another COUNTIFS question with multiple criteria **Answered**

edited 08/03/24 in Formulas and Functions

Can someone help me adjust below equation to exclude "Cancelled" as well as "Complete". It already works to exclude "Complete". I've tried multiple ways but have failed so far.

=COUNTIFS({HR Info Systems COE Tracker Range 4}, [Metrics 2]@row, {HR Info Systems COE Tracker Status}, <>"Complete")

Best Answer

  • Jake_12
    edited 08/02/24 Answer ✓

    @heyjay Your solution works if I use AND instead of OR - thank you!!


    {HR Info Systems COE Tracker Range 4}, [Metrics 2]@row,

    {HR Info Systems COE Tracker Status}, AND(@cell <>"Complete", @cell <>"Cancelled"))

    @DKazatsky2 Your solution works - thanks so much!!

    =COUNTIFS({HR Info Systems COE Tracker Range 4}, [Metrics 2]@row, {HR Info Systems COE Tracker Status}, <>"Complete", {HR Info Systems COE Tracker Status}, <>"Cancelled")


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