Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Hello Everyone!

In need of help with a check box formula. What I am trying to do is as follows:

If the row has a check box in the field, then add an icon in this box in another field And if the box is not checked then add this icon.

What I have for my formula right now is: =IF(AND([Field Name@row = 1), UNICHAR(9989), IF(AND([Field Name@row = 0), UNICHAR(9940)

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I made a formula which in my simulation with ur columns works perfectly:

    =IF([Q1 Review/Update Completed]@row = 1, UNICHAR(9989), IF([Q1 Review/Update Completed]@row = 0, UNICHAR(9940), "Error"))

    I don't know if the titles are exactly correct, but the formula itself works for me. Can you give this a try?

    Kind regards,

    Jesse - The Smartsheet Enthousiast.


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