Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Count based on Multiple Criteria & Dates


I am attempting to create a formula that would =

Count the number of training items completed per team member and between two dates.

I created this formula, it is giving me all Zeros:

=COUNTIFS([Actual End Date]:[Actual End Date], <=DATE(2024, 1, 1), [Actual End Date]:[Actual End Date], >=DATE(2024, 12, 30), Status:Status, "Training Completed - 100%", [Team Members]:[Team Members], [Team Members]@row)

Can someone provide guidance on what I am doing wrong?

Also, how can i use the output of this formula to produce a status - so if the output of the formula above is less than 5 = output would be "Needs more training". Or do I need to create a seperate column for that?

Thank you!


Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If there are blanks in the date column that will impact what it can count based on the criteria you have listed. Would it be more accurate to remove the 2nd Date constraint so it's only looking to count for training that has happened since >= 1/1/24?

    I didn't see your 2nd question, but you could add a column that takes the result of this column and returns a status. So, if this column is <5, it returns "need more training", for example.


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