Is there a way to set up a SUMIFS formula that will ignore the search for criteria if needed?

edited 10/23/24 in Formulas and Functions

I need to set up a SUMIFS formula based on 5 pieces of criteria

  • Business
  • Category
  • Brand
  • Product Name
  • Customer

However, is it possible to set up formula that would ignore the need to search for all 5 criteria if any of the criteria are blank? For example, if I wanted to the sum of all products for a specific customer regardless of business, category, brand, or product name and those sections are left blank, can the formula be set up to ignore the need to verify based on that criteria?

EDIT: Screenshot added for reference. Withe current formula, it will return a value based on all 5 pieces of criteria being met, but if I intentionally leave criteria blank, I want it to ignore summing based on that criteria and instead only focus on the criteria that are not blank. Is this possible?



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