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Help with COUNTIFS, two criteria from the same column

I am being dim I am sure, I need to count some information that has been imported from an excel spreadsheet which is a download from our membership database so the formating is odd.

This will be a regular download and upload so I don't want to spend time tidying things up so hive mind.

This below works fine but I also need to count if the qualification is "Level 2 Epee" how do I put both in the same forumla? I tried using OR but it didn't like this………….

=COUNTIFS([BF Epee Qualification Qualification Type]:[BF Epee Qualification Qualification Type], "Level 1 Epee, Level 2 Epee")


Best Answers


  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Lorri Rose,

    Could the following formula give you what you are looking for?

    =COUNTIF([BF Epee Qualification Qualification Type]:[BF Epee Qualification Qualification Type], "Level 1 Epee") + COUNTIF([BF Epee Qualification Qualification Type]:[BF Epee Qualification Qualification Type], "Level 2 Epee")

    I hope that is helpful in some way,


  • thank you! that works perfectly

  • Hi Protonsponge,

    another question how to select a cell that is not blank? The below doesn't work (there are 8 different qualifications and all the permutations if they have more than one so I would like an overview of just how many cells are not blank.

    =COUNTIF([Other Coaching Qualification Qualification Type]:[Other Coaching Qualification Qualification Type], IS NOT " " )

    Also If I want to pull out one qualification from that column "FIE" how would I write a formula to count only cell that have this text in them?

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Adding a note about using OR, just in case it's helpful for anything you're working on in the future, Lorri :)

    The @cell reference can be really helpful for this sort of thing:

    =COUNT IF([BF Epee Qualification Qualification Type]:[BF Epee Qualification Qualification Type], OR(@cell="Level 1 Epee", @cell="Level 2 Epee")

  • Community Champion
    edited 11/21/24

    Hello @Lorri Rose,

    Would the following work for you to count rows that are not blank. It will count the number of cells that are anything (<>) except blank ("")

    =COUNTIF([Other Coaching Qualification Qualification Type]:[Other Coaching Qualification Qualification Type], <>"")

    For your second question, if you are looking to count the number of rows that contain "FIE", the following could be an option for you.

    =COUNTIF([Other Coaching Qualification Qualification Type]:[Other Coaching Qualification Qualification Type], CONTAINS("FIE", @cell))


  • Answer ✓

    Dear Protonsponge,

    Super! Thank you so much for the help!

  • Hiya can anyone tell me what is wrong with this formula? Each part works on it's own.

    =COUNTIF([BF Coaching Framework 2015-present Qualification T]:[BF Coaching Framework 2015-present Qualification T], CONTAINS("Foil (L2)", @cell)) + COUNTIF([BF Foil Qualification Qualification Type]:[ BF Foil Qualification Qualification Type], CONTAINS ("Level 2 Foil”, @cell))

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