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Smartsheet iCal - Publish By Filter

Tarun P.
Tarun P.
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I am playing with the iCal publish and have a couple of questions:


The Smartsheet Calendar allows me to add a filter for the items I want displayed. However, can I publish the filtered view to Outlook without changing the view for other people who have subscribed to that ics link? 


In other words, is there a way to get a unique ics link for a filtered view? 





  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Tarun,


    There isn't a way to publish a filtered view of your sheet as a unique .ics but I'll add your vote for this to our enhancement request list for further consideration.


    You'd need to create a seperate sheet for each .ics publish you need to make, but that may become difficult to manage.

  • Tarun P.

    Thank you. Please let me know if there is any way to prioritize this enhancement as I could see several teams wanting to share a calendar without having to see all events. 


  • Lilspark112
    edited 06/06/17

    I'll second the vote to prioritize this feature! This would be extremely useful. 

  • This is quite important for seamless integration: if you use smartsheet for workflow management, then the mail interface (in OS365, for example) is the way things get into smartsheet for processing, the Gantt and Card views are for management within smartsheet, and then the calendar is how you report back to OS 365. Right now, the only part of the sequence that filters don't apply to is the calendar. 

    The most important for me is some way of hiding things that are checked (i.e. done). But it really would be nice to have a dedicated URL for each filter.

  • NBrett

    I would also like to see this feature added - would be great to be able to customize what columns feed into the calendar (not just the primary column) and also add start time/end time, location, participant list in case some of the tasks are events.

  • EcoPartnering

    Please add my vote to this feature.  I have several teams that are responsible for different dates in my sheet and it would be great if you can customize it based in your needs.

    Thank you.

  • EmbecksMc*

    Adding my vote as well!


This discussion has been closed.