Formulas and Functions

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Index/Collect Two Separate Dates and Compare Them to Return Highest Date

I'm trying to use Index Collect based on a client name to look at two different dates in a separate sheet, and compare them to pull the highest date.

We have 1 sheet that we log all contacts, and there are 2 types of contacts "Type1" and "Type2". Then, we have an overall summary sheet that shows the most recent contact. Currently, I'm only looking at Type 1 when I'd like to look at both.

The individual Index Collect would be:

=INDEX(COLLECT({Date_Engagement}, {Type1_Engagement}, 1, {ClientName_Engagement}, [ClientName]@row), 1)

=INDEX(COLLECT({Date_Engagement}, {Type2_Engagement}, 1, {ClientName_Engagement}, [ClientName@row), 1)

In our overview sheet, I want it to Collect the most recent date into 1 cell. So, I need to compare the two individual index/collects and pull the date closest to today.


Best Answer

  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    It may not be the most elegant solution, but this will just compare the output of the two different formulas you posted and use the one with the latest date.

    =IF(INDEX(COLLECT({Date_Engagement}, {Type1_Engagement}, 1, {ClientName_Engagement}, [ClientName]@row), 1) > INDEX(COLLECT({Date_Engagement}, {Type2_Engagement}, 1, {ClientName_Engagement}, [ClientName@row), 1),INDEX(COLLECT({Date_Engagement}, {Type1_Engagement}, 1, {ClientName_Engagement}, [ClientName]@row), 1), INDEX(COLLECT({Date_Engagement}, {Type2_Engagement}, 1, {ClientName_Engagement}, [ClientName@row), 1))


  • Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    It may not be the most elegant solution, but this will just compare the output of the two different formulas you posted and use the one with the latest date.

    =IF(INDEX(COLLECT({Date_Engagement}, {Type1_Engagement}, 1, {ClientName_Engagement}, [ClientName]@row), 1) > INDEX(COLLECT({Date_Engagement}, {Type2_Engagement}, 1, {ClientName_Engagement}, [ClientName@row), 1),INDEX(COLLECT({Date_Engagement}, {Type1_Engagement}, 1, {ClientName_Engagement}, [ClientName]@row), 1), INDEX(COLLECT({Date_Engagement}, {Type2_Engagement}, 1, {ClientName_Engagement}, [ClientName@row), 1))

  • Thank you! Most of my solutions are not elegant…I ended up having to wrap it in 2 separate IFERRORS due to other things I didn't think about :)!

  • Community Champion

    I'm glad it's working for you, and IFERRORS are pretty much a staple when working with dates.

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