Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Redefine a formula for status and date

Changes needed to my current formula. There is just too much going on, I want to simplify this. My current formula in the "Certification Complete" is below. Now I also wish to change these colors to words:

Green - Complete

Yellow - In Progress

Red - Not Started

In addition I want the Certificate date field to be automated based on when the Certification Complete field is changed to Complete. Otherwise the date field will remain blank. Now the IF statements referencing the other fields must remain, as they will indicate "In Progress" or "Not Started" for the record.

=IF(Parent@row, IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Red") = COUNT(CHILDREN()), "Red", IF(COUNTIF(CHILDREN(), "Green") = COUNT(CHILDREN()), "Green", "Yellow")), IF(AND(ISBLANK(Certify@row), ISBLANK(Group@row)), "Red", IF(AND(Certify@row = "Revoke", OR(ISBLANK(Comments@row), ISBLANK(Group@row))), "Yellow", IF(OR(ISBLANK(Certify@row), ISBLANK(Group@row)), "Yellow", "Green"))))

Sherry Fox

Business Process Analyst 3 | C5ISR Group | HII | Mission Technologies

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