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Adding One More Criteria to Working COLLECT Formula

edited 02/25/25 in Formulas and Functions

I have a working formula where I need to add one more criteria to a COLLECT function but can't seem to get it working. Here is the current working formula:

=MEDIAN(COLLECT({Platform Test - Submit Status to Intake Date}, {Platform Test - Quote Testing Completed Date}, AND(@cell >= $[Start Date]$1, @cell <= $[End Date]$1), {Platform Test - New or Existing}, @cell = "Existing"))

What I am trying to do is add one more criteria to this formula based upon the multi-select content of a cell as shown below:

In the above screenshot of the cell that has the criteria that I need to add to the formula to act as a filter of the data, I selected all 4 options from the dropdown list. Here is what I have come up with so far but I am getting an #INCORRECT ARGUMENT response and can't seem to identify the issue:

=MEDIAN(COLLECT({Platform Test - Submit Status to Intake Date}, {Platform Test - Quote Testing Completed Date}, AND(@cell >= $[Start Date]$1, @cell <= $[End Date]$1), {Platform Test - New or Existing}, @cell = "Existing", {Platform Testing - Issue Type}, @cell = [Issues Type]1))

What am I missing?


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