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IF statement formatting based on data in multiple columns




I have a sheet that includes Start Date, Finish Date and Status Columns. I'd like to create an IF formula that considers data in all three columns in order to create color coded balls as shown here (https://www.smartsheet.com/blog/support-tip-automate-RYG-balls).


Specifically, I'd like the logic to be:


If Start is after TODAY, "Blue"

If Start is before TODAY and status is "Not Started", "Yellow"

If Finish is after TODAY and status is "In Progress" or "On Track", "Green"

If Finish is before today and status is not "Complete", "Red"


I think its possible to apply this kind of nested logic in Excel using AND and OR functions, but I can't make it work the same way in SmartSheet. 




  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 12/04/15

    Hi Lindsay, here's the formula which will adher the the logic you wanted:


    =IF([Start Date]1 > TODAY(), "Blue", IF(AND([Start Date]1 < TODAY(), Status1 = "Not Started"), "Yellow", IF(AND([End Date]1 > TODAY(), OR(Status1 = "In Progress", Status1 = "On Track")), "Green", IF(AND([End Date]1 < TODAY(), NOT(Status1 = "Complete")), "Red"))))


    I noticed there is not a RYGB ball if the task is marked as complete. If you want to add this, add another IF statement to the beginning of the formula, like this:


    =IF(Status1 = "Complete", "Green", IF([Start Date]1 > TODAY(), "Blue", IF(AND([Start Date]1 < TODAY(), Status1 = "Not Started"), "Yellow", IF(AND([End Date]1 > TODAY(), OR(Status1 = "In Progress", Status1 = "On Track")), "Green", IF(AND([End Date]1 < TODAY(), NOT(Status1 = "Complete")), "Red")))))

  • John Peterson

    I used the IF(AND(),Y,N) recently and found it worked as well as the excel equivalent

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