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Box.com Integration


This is an idea for an improvement to the box.com integration.

Ideally, SmartSheet would allow attaching a document from my desktop directly to a row in SmartSheet while storing the document in Box.com.

For example:

1. Drag and drop a document to a SmartSheet row / attachment.

2. Automatically create a folder in box.com for the SmartSheet

3. Automatically add the document into the folder in SmartSheet

4. Automatically share the folder in box.com with everyone with access to the SmartSheet


  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Brian,

    As you've found, currently you need to upload the file to box first, then attach it to the row from box. When you have a moment, please submit an enhancement request using the form under Quick links on the right.

    When submitting your enhancement request, let our Product team know how you'd like to see some of your requests work, such as creating a new folder. Anything that can help our Product team get a better picture on what you're wanting.


This discussion has been closed.