Kanban visibility

Jan Kjetil Wik
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Earlier I used Kanbanflow as my own personal kanban board for work, but as part of an effort to reduce the number of applications used (web and otherwise) I have started to use Smartsheet instead. It covers most of my needs, but I have a few simple wishes:

  • Are there any conditional formatting options for the kanban cards - as there are for the grid lines? I would love to be able to set the background or header colour of the card - for instance based on priority. I have the (small) icons - but would have wished for something a bit more visible.
  • Along the same line: Is it possible to override the background colour of kanban lanes?
  • It is a bit cumbersome to set card priority by clicking through the Edit-menu. Are there any new functionality in the pipeline that would make this - pretty important - task faster? Having the priorities directly available in the context menu would help...
