Archived 2017 Posts

Archived 2017 Posts

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Formula to create hyper link with display text defined

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I want to be able to clean up/simplify how a link is displayed in a cell. 

Column A: the text I'd like to use for the link display

Column B: the long URL with lots of URL tokens, folder locations, etc..

Column C: a clean, short, hyperlink made from A&B

Example values

A: Profile


C: Profile

(don't bother clicking the above link, totally made up)

Is it possible to do this with some formula structure in Column C?

I've tried escaping quotes and building an <a href...></a> structure but it just comes out as text and displays the whole HTML tag.

Thanks for any thoughts. 


This discussion has been closed.

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