Ways to send add more than one email in the send to column for each row

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I would like to have more than one person in the send to column for each row.  I have seen this done before and I am just not sure on how to do this.


Please assist.


Thank You



  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Justin, if you are using a contact column type, you will not be able to add more than one contact. There are rumors that this is being worked on by smartsheets but at this current time, no.

    We circumvent this by creating additional Contact columns in the sheet. We can then set up notifications to send to both columns in the sheet. 

  • justin46491

    Thank you Very Much for the information.

    Also is there a way to put a permanent email address in a column if that is the email you want it to be sent to every time 

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    How is data being added to the sheet? Are you using a form?

  • justin46491

    I am using the actual sheet or a form depending on how someone wants to do this.

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/31/18

    The challenge with the actual sheet itself is that you can't have a formula in a contact column type. If you were submitting the data via a form you could have a contact field "filled" with default data and hidden from the user so that their email automatically populated it. If you're using the actual sheet, it will have to be manually filled. You could create a notification on a new row entry or an automated update request when the email column is blank and a new row has been added that could be sent out requesting the field be populated, just in case someone forgot to populate it manually.

  • justin46491

    I am trying to get the form that is already filled out by someone to be in the actual email rather than have someone click on update form.  Would I have to do this by doing a screenshot or is there another way to do this. 



  • justin46491

    Now that I am going to copy myself on the responses is there a way to hide certain information when the responses are sent to myself?

  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes, if you are using the notification method, and edit the delivery settings you can choose which columns come across in the email to yourself. 

    Alerts & Notifications > When a row is added > set up the email to yourself. And then Click Delivery settings > Edit (next to the all columns, comments and attachments) See screenshots. 



  • justin46491

    Yes I am using this method already and I am clicking on the bottom of the form to send a copy to myself as well since this is what I would like the form to look like in the emails going forward.


    Please see screen shots


    Transmittal Log Capture.PNG

    Transmittal Log Capture 1.PNG