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scheduling webforms


I want to set up a scheduled daily timesheet webform but I dont see a schedule function for this action. I can schedule an update request for a sheet or row but it will cuase the data to be overwritten in the row!


  • Kennedy Stomps

    Hi! We don't currently offer the ability to schedule the sending of Web Forms but this is a great suggestion and I've added your vote for it to our enhancement request list. In the meantime, you might look into programs that let you send emails on a daily basis, like Boomerang. Depending on your mail program, there may be other options available as well. Hope this helps!

  • Cheers Kennedy , I am an acting Reseller of Smartsheet In ireland and as such would like as many features available within Smartsheet if at all possible.  I did identify boomarang and it does work quite well but It would be much better if I didnt have to instruct all the users in the company to implement an extra addon. It would be a good sales feature. Thanks for your help , much appreciated. 

  • Any updates on scheduling forms?  I also have had a need to schedule forms for many projects and tasks.  I would love to know if this is in the works or if it is just still needing some backing.  I am sure there are others that have requested this to justify the program changes. 


    Thank you!!

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