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Is there a way to build notifications into a template?



  • D Domine
    D Domine ✭✭✭✭

    Add my vote as well!

  • Kris Reinertson
    edited 01/23/17

    Is there a way to save Send Messages and Update Replies to re-use them as templates? If not, may I suggest that this functionality be added. It would speed up my workflow when sending/sendingupdate request in the same format for many rows to different people.

  • Corrina Hansen
    Corrina Hansen ✭✭✭
    edited 03/09/17

    Please add my vote to adding this feature!

  • Hello, I really appretiate the new Notifications engine. It finally give nearly all funcionality I can imagine of them. The only thing that is missing is the possibility of coping Notification from Template or when savign existing sheet as a new copy. I think there are tons of uses who use the same structure of sheet(s) for each project running at a time and especially when the notifications are based on assigned persons (defined in colums), the notification specification becomes very generic and does not need any customization from sheet to sheet.


    So, please consider the ever-repeated use case and add my vote to this function. I was secretly hoping it will come along with the new engine.


    Thanks for implementing it.

  • Yes I would like to save all alerts when I copy a sheet from save as, as we assign the alert based on "assigned to" and completed date, so it would be most useful not to have to create each and every alert on each "save as" sheet.

    Please consider adding this functionality to this software.

  • Please add my vote to this feature (being able to build notifications into a template such that notifications don't need to be manually re-created when making a copy of a sheet). 

  • +1 

    Adding alerts to templates is crucial for us as to enhance to flow of the project. We identified several types of projects and teams leaders to these projects. The team leader is then allowed to assign tasks to team members. Having an alert to team members assigned to a task is important as we are in different locations. 

    We also have a review committee that evaluates the done parts of the project as quality assurance and alerts are part of this process as well in each project. Creating alerts for every sheet that is identical in every other sheet is time consuming.

  • Sign my vote for this feature. Everything was on wheels for me with smartsheet until I realized reminders are not saved in the templates. Can someone explain why this is not possible? I see that notifications can be saved now; why not reminders? We are in the process of adopting smartsheet in our office and the whole idea was to create templates for the 4 or 5 sheets we use in every project; a really important feature of these sheets are the reminders at the task level; not having this capability is frustrating. 

    I know it can be done because I have seen it in other platforms, so why not here? :(

  • Add vote to this or similar to copy, share, assign or replace notification configurations of existing sheets. 

    Perhaps also ability to set up a notification template configuration that can be assigned or set as default.



  • This feature request was brought up in 2015. Am I wrong to say this feature is not a priority of Smartsheet?

This discussion has been closed.