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Is there a way to know how many users have accessed or used my smartsheet?"

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

s there a way to know how many users have accessed or used my smartsheet?"


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 12/12/15



    Depending on your user level, probably. And if your Smartsheet plan is Team or Enterprise.


    In the upper left corner of the Smartsheet window, you'll see a gear icon named "Account".

    Under that menu, you'll find "User Management" (if you have appropriate rights - that is you are a System Admininstrator in your Smartsheet)

    Under that one, there is a "More Actions" button.

    From there you can download access and privileges reports (in xls format).


    If you can't get that far, someone in your organization can and should be able to help.


    Hope this helps,




  • Employee

    Craig, the report you suggested will show who has access to sheets but it will not tell you if they have accessed the sheet.


    There isnt a tool that will show you who has accessed sheets but you can be notified of who makes changes to sheets through notifications:

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    You are right. I was thinking "Smartsheet = platform", not "Smartshet = a particular sheet within the platform". If I recalll correctly, the access report also lists last logins to the platform.

    This is only useful if people logout or access Smartsheet from multiple computers/devices, IIRC.

    I'm working from memory as I'm not on a Team plan or higher at the moment.


    Your point about the notifications is interesting. Using your trick of the Modified By column,  a date column (perhaps hidden and locked) could be set to =TODAY().

    This would always update (once per day) and could be used to trigger the edit, which triggers the notification.

    Assuming people save the sheet when the exit the Modified By would be the record of logins. There's probably a way to get it to refresh for each login so it would work more than once per day, but I'd have to give it more thought.


    Also, I noticed this threads URL address:


    does not match the title ("Is there...") or the header shown in the Community ("s there..."). Is the forum for the Community homegrown (ie a Smartsheet program) or third-party. I spotted another bug, I think.








  • Employee

    Good suggestion Craig! This would be good if they want to know if one user accesses a sheet but I dont think it would work with more than 1 person (it's whoever opened the sheet first). I'll keep thinking on this one and report back if I come up with anything.


    To answer your question, Craig, the Community was built in house. I am not sure the exact URL naming convention but I know sometimes it will take out less important words (is, a, or, etc). Feel free to email me directly if you have any bugs to report or enhancements to suggest!




  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    In the same vein as "who's been working on my sheet" Could the feature be added to track activity by user?  Then you could quickly see who has done what.  There is a User Sheet Activity Log, but it only shows last access date for a sheet, and not a log of changes/activity.


    This would be really handy for us who need to identify productivity levels or create audit trails.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Brad, have you tried the Modified By and Modified When system columns? These will show you who most recently made changes to a row and when. You can filter based on these column to show (for example) all the rows X user edited in the last 7 days. Then turn on highlight changes to see the cells that have been changed

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Those are sound options, to be sure, and would work if I wanted to see the most recent changes by a person.

    What I am proposing is a feature for an activity log.  Something akin to running a report on a person's activity for the past month.  Preferably, you would be able to capture all of the activity of a user from all the sheets they have and show it in a collected format.  And, it would be nice to be able to run these in an integrated fashion.  (perhaps somewhere in the user management page where the existing Sheet Activity Log is located)

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm worried about admin's being able to see too many things.

    But that's just me. IT has the keys to the kingdom.



  • Employee
    edited 04/14/16

    Brady, an activity log is something our team is looking into. I dont have solid details about what this might entail but I believe it will include high level info on what users are doing in sheets. 


    I will pass your feedback along to the team working on this. 

This discussion has been closed.

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