Simple formula to show if two cells match- what am I doing wrong?

EmilyE ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Hey everyone,

I am having trouble with what I thought would be a simple formula:

I have a sheet that is drawing information from two different sheets via cell linking and a SumIf formula:

Total Order Cost, which is linked to one sheet and Invoice Total, which is summing all cells that match my primary column, which is also linked to the same sheet the Total Order Cost is linked to, and adding the amounts in a different sheet.

I am trying to have a column show whether or not the two cells match.

Example is this:

Total Order Cost: $740.00 (linked cell)  Invoice Total: $740.00(SumIf formula referencing different sheet) - I want the cell next to these two to either say yes if they match, or show a RYG ball, anything.

I keep getting #unparseable or other errors, and can't figure out why ( I have looked at the definitions, and checked the spellings, etc)

Is this not possible due to the formula and cell linking? Or am I too close to see the problem?

Thank you in advance for any help!



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