Error when trying to print a calendar view
I'm getting an "maximum date range exceeded, please select a custom date range of less than 1000 weeks" when trying to print a calendar view, and I'm only selecting two weeks out?
Worksheet for Employee Referral Program
Hi Community, Would like some buy-in from the community to see if anyone has created really great employee referral program sheets that have helped their business? I'm sampling some of the templates arlready in SS, but thought I would see if anyone one else had some awesome sheets they'd be willing to share. Thanks, Kris
Designating Focal Date in Calendar View
Does anyone know if it's possible to have the calendar automtically use a date prior to today's date as the focus when displaying the 1 month, 3 week, 2 week, etc., display? By default, it displays the current week at the top of the calendar whenever the calendar is opened. Also, whenever I refresh the browser, the…
Set recurring tasks, meetings
How do you easily set recurring tasks and meetings in Gantt view and Calendar? Example: Phone meeting or email updates, every 2nd and 4th week of the month?
Créer une ligne de date réccurente
Bonjour, Je ne trouve pas le moyen pour faire une ligne avec des dates réccurentes (par exemple réunion tous les mardi à 15h ou tous les 1er mardi du mois). Merci de votre aide.
Is it possible to Auto-Fill dates?
Hello, I'm sorry if this question has been asked before, but I couldn't find anything through the search function... I have prepared a template for event management. We use the same structure for every one of these specific events that we do (the event date is announced, and then we work back from the date to establish…
Update start date with report
Hi all a quick question from a relative newbie: I am setting up a project sheet and want to be able to issue report updates to our outside contractors on a project. I am struggling with a feature in smartsheet. I would like to have my engineering firm provide a start date on a task with a dependency without having to…
How do I change the Google account being used to sync a SmartSheet Calendar?
I have been testing the SmartSheet calendar sync with a test Google account. Now I want to change that Google account and use a different one to sync that calendar. When I turn off calendar syncing in my SmartSheet, and then turn it back on, I'm not prompted to enter the Google account to use, as I was when I did the…
New in Smartsheet: Gantt and Calendar Views on Reports, Better Update Requests, and More
Smartsheet’s newest improvements give you more power to choose the level of detail you want to share, both within and outside your organization. Send a project rollup to executives using Reports, now complete with Gantt and Calendar Views, or share a single row to an external collaborator for a quick status update with…
Calendar View - unable to turn off 'summary tasks'
I have tried to 'not show' the summary tasks by 'unchecking' the Display Summary Tasks - this does not appear to work as my summary tasks still appear Example: Demo Projects Insurance Demo I only want to show the Insurance Demo on my calendar, not both the summary (project) and deliverable - I have logged out and back in…