HELP What am I doing wrong in this formula?
=INDEX(COLLECT({Unit/Manager List WI Range 1}, {Unit/Manager List WI Range 7}, [Area of Study Parent]@row, {Unit/Manager List WI Range 8}, [Area of Study - Nursing]@row, {Unit/Manager List WI Range 9}, [Area of Study - Radiography]@row, {Unit/Manager List WI Range 10}, [Area of Study - Rehab Services - PT/OT/ST]@row,…
How to convert multiple email separated by commas from Text column to Contact list column?
I have a text column that has multiple emails and each email is separated by commas and i am trying to pull those multiple emails to contact list columns (I have allowed multiple contacts per cell ON) and be able to send alerts. However, when I do that it just stays as text, not contacts. Does anybody have any idea how I…
Resource Management Joined() Contact Column unavailable.
I have groups where I need to limit the contacts to I would like to track my resources but my "Assignee All Row": It uses: =IF(ISBLANK(JOIN([Assignee Design Architecture]@row:[Assignee Sign-Seal]@row)), "-", JOIN(COLLECT([Assignee Design Architecture]@row:[Assignee Sign-Seal]@row, [Assignee Design…
Please enable us to select multiple contacts when sharing (was avialable a year or so ago)
I just noticed the change when sharing a Sheet with someone, I love this newly added capability - thank you for always having the end users in mind! About a year or so ago, if you wanted to share anything in Smartsheet, you had the ability to bring up your entire contact list or type a keyword, you would then be able to…
Please enable us to select multiple contacts when sharing (was avialable a year or so ago)
About a year or so ago, if you wanted to share anything in Smartsheet, you had the ability to bring up your entire contact list or type a keyword, you would then be able to select multiple contacts to share with the same customize message. Please bring that back. It is a much-missed function. Thank you!
Text in 'Contact List' variable
Hi all, I would like to bring forward a new idea. I have an 'assigned to' column with a 'contact list' variable. In the settings, I allow to also just enter text of names (for example for people not having a SS account) - as in the settings I did not select 'Restrict to list values only' (see screenshot below). It is all…
Text in 'Contact List' variable
Hi all, I would like to ask a stupid question. I have an 'assigned to' column with a 'contact list' variable. In the settings, I allow to also just enter text of names (for example for people not having a SS account) - as in the settings I did not select 'Restrict to list values only' (see screenshot below). It is all…
Getting the email address for a contact
Hi, I have a contact column and I need the email address from the contact. Is there a way to derive the email address from a Contact column into another column as an email address?
Alert Someone Automation
Hi all, I am attempting to set up an automated workflow for account collections. A single sheet will include cash collections for multiple clients. I have RYG triggers set up to run alerts on the 5th day once and then recurring daily on the 10th, no problem. My issue lies with the contacts. I have separate contacts listed…
Smartsheet automation restriction
I have created a sheet with different contact names and assigned specific and different automation to those individual contact names. But now on trigger for the automation, the notification is getting shared with all, which I don't want. Also in automation I have set the parameters like it should be notified only to the…