Multiple approvers on one row
Hello, I am trying to setup an approval that would have 4 contacts that need to sign-off. They are all from different departments, so they would be looking for different things in the approval. I would need all of the approvers to sign-off before the task status changes from "Ready for Approval" to "Complete". Is there a…
Generate reference after box ticking
Hi all, Been trying to look for my solution here, but i can't seem to find it. Hopefully someone can help me. I have a supplier approval database with supplier info, several checkboxes for required docs, etc. Also have an approval column, and then an approval reference column. What i intend to do is, when i tick the…
Hello, Is it ideal/ possible to use Smartsheet in place of CMMS?
Notifications using Summary Sheet
If I create an automation workflow to notify all contacts on a sheet, will those listed in the sheet summary be included?
Notifications, Report or Dashboard
i am new to smartsheet and using it to keep track of inventory across multiple locations which have different contacts by location. What is the best method to send a scheduled listing of assigned assets to each contact owner. Would like them to only see their assets and be able to change the location if they no longer have…
Datamesh Contact Lists
Hi, We are trying to use datamash to bring over contacts to the target sheet based on locations in a source sheet which does not seem to be working. We have multiple contacts enabled and this works fine with vlookup, but datamesh returns no results. Any Ideas??
I want to controll a resource that it is different allocations rate at each point in a same task du
I usually set allocations rates as average during term. But,When the task is long term, it is different allocations rate at each point in a same task. And if I set allocations rate to another task at low loard point,Smartsheet alert the over resource by caliculating rates. (Because of the allocations rate is average during…
Approval workflow
Hi Guys, Im new to smartsheet , please help me. I created an approval workflow then if the approver is not around how I am going to reassign it to other approver without breaking the approval sequence. Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you very much.
Import "assigned to" from excel or CSV
I want to import data from CSV or excel where one column is the "Assigned to" contact. Using the user name or email address smartsheet does not recongnise the data imported untill it is manualy selected in the smartsheet cell. This would then be part of a project imported with resource management using teh assigned to…
Assigning Multiple Tasks to an Entire Team
Hi I am new to Smartsheet, and hence am unable to perform the subject activity in it. I have a set of 25 tasks called "Proofreading Tasks". And I have around 15 people in a team which is called "Team - Proofreaders" . This team is supposed to perform these -- and only these -- tasks. Now how do I set it up in Smartsheet so…