COUNTIFS formula error

I am trying to calculate training sessions based on 2 columns : status column and year column. I've done this numerous times before however for some reason no matter what status filter I choose the outcome is 0 when there are definitely values for 2024 completed training sessions.

This is the formula I am using =

=COUNTIFS({Training Tracker Range 2}, "Completed", {Training Tracker Range 3}, "2024")

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


  • KPH
    KPH Community Champion


    The formula syntax looks fine. Here are some things to check.

    Does range 3 contain the value 2024 or is it a date?
    Are both ranges the same size, in other words are there rows that are in one range but not the other?

    Can you try with just one of the criteria and then the other to see which could be causing the problem.

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