Data Mesh Configs. on large sheets
Hello everyone! Are there someone, who has experience wih using DataMesh on large sheets? I'm in the middle of trying to figure out how I will make my intake sheet in DataMesh, so two columns will be updated automatically. But in Smartsheet Universitys course about DataMesh they metion that a configuration can only hold 10…
Can someone tell me what it means when the cell link indicator is red?
I have data linked to this sheet from another using the Data Mesh add on. Typically, this little cell indicator is blue but on some of my rows, it's red. Could that have anything to do with how long it has been since data was updated?
How can I merge two schedules for a project into one all-encompassing schedule?
Hi Everyone, I am working on a project that consists of two schedules, and there are tasks that will be done onsite for products being built for our company here in the US and for a location overseas (to be shipped out later on in the schedule). We have a schedule planned out for the US location, a separate schedule laid…
Sheet updated via DataMesh - workflow doesn't run
Good Afternoon! I have a sheet on which a field is updated via DataMesh. I also have a workflow that is triggered when a cell changes. The DataMesh piece works fine but the workflow is never triggered. Do sheet updates via DataMesh not constitute "changes" on the sheet so workflows aren't triggered? It's a simple workflow…
Datamesh Immediate Timing/Contact Email Address
Hi, Any suggestions to increase speed of "Immediate" in Datamesh? Today, immediate seems to be at least 4 minutes. What can I do to speed this up? Datamesh source and target are the same sheet. (Pick 1st Match, Copy Data Over, Update Immediate) Data is being entered through Dynamic View. Datamesh is copying a contact field…
Data Mesh "Update Immediately" Questions
When you set a Data Mesh to "update immediately," does it update when changes are made in the source sheet or the target sheet? Or both? Having trouble finding this info. Thanks!
Candidate and Company Matching System
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to build a way to match candidates to companies. And then send those match notifications to both candidate and company. So I have 2 sheets Sheet 1 = Candidate List Sheet 2 = List of Companies Interested Sheet 3 = Merged Somehow Based on Department Role/Job Category and Location Would have a unique…
Copy PARENT cell data to CHILD CELL without deleting DATAMESH field links.
Ok, I have a challenge with formulas and data being overwritten. I am trying to create a FILTER for my procurement teams to use. I ONLY want to show items where the PROCUREMENT COUNTRY is "CHINA". When I create that filter the CHILD rows do not show because the PROCUREMENT COUNTRY is "BLANK". So I need to copy the PARENT…
Data Mesh filter
Hello, I am trying to use a combination of Data Shuttle and Data Mesh to 1. Keep a main data set up to date and 2. Based on the region the data belongs to, allow coworkers access to specific fields. My original idea is/was to use Data Shuttle to import an employee data file to a Base Sheet. That file would be updated once…
Match Contact column list to Email Address
Has anyone found a practical solution to match a Contact column to an email address? It can't be done in DataMesh and while I've done some searching on the board and help files, I haven't found a method to do this that doesn't require a lot of manual intervention. The problem with Smartsheet Contacts is that people can…