Best Way to Pull A Ton of Data


Hello Community,

I have recently been given the challenge of pulling a ton of data from a source sheet to a target sheet, and am trying to figure out the best way to pull all the data efficiently and not run out of space too quick. Unfortunately we cannot use data mesh because each row has 7 target columns to pull from.

Our source sheet has all of the data stored, and the target sheet is where we are trying to pull a ton of data. I say a ton of data because we are pulling 11 columns per resource, and there are 7 resources per row, so we are pulling a total of 77 columns per row (a ton of data).

I had it setup as a VLOOKUP but once I found out how much data is involved I switched to an INDEX MATCH formula. I am concerned about running out of space quick so this is why I am asking for help, as well as if there is a better/more efficient way to move the data.

Any help here is greatly appreciated! I am happy to answer any questions.


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